Trek Advertising
Posted in Advertising
We increase your Ad revenue
With the Newest, Hottest, search program out there!
Does your website have 3rd party advertising? (like google adsense, etc)
Are you a Publisher? (Being paid to have Ads on your website)
Would you like real people to visit your website just to see your Ads?
If your answer is YES then you are going to love Trek Advertising!
Everyone Wins
Our search feature actually sends real people to check out your website's Ads.
All you have to do is simply tell our system the type of Ads that you have on
your website and then people will find your website using our search feature.
When they click on these Ads, your advertising revenue will sky rocket and
the searchers find what they were originally seeking.
Everyone gets what they want!................ Everyone Wins!
We offer 2 different rates:
This is for Clients that do not have 3rd party advertising on their website.
We send interested people but they will only check out your own sites material.
This is quality traffic! Real people looking through your website!
We charge 2 cents per person we send. (Visitor IP addresses included.)
This is for Clients that want interested people to visit their website and
also participate in our 3rd party Ad program. If you have 3rd party
advertising or a search engine on your website then we charge 6 cents
per person we send.
This is a small premium compared to the revenues you will be
raking in.
Your Ad statistics and revenue will explode! You will be back to order more!